Wenn Pelz jetzt wieder "tragbar" ist, hat die Welt nichts gelernt. Pelz aus "kontrolliertem Anbau". Kotz!
BlueScreen - 6. Mär, 20:08
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To pick Sic.
berenice-do-not-speak-german - 6. Mär, 21:02
all is vanity
oh herr Bluescreen this subject makes me so angry
angrrrrrry! es tut mir Leid!!
cannot believe there are stupid women and men that use animal leather to "fashion-about", just the injustice of it!!
once upon a time, leather was OK when we lived in the caverns and had nothing else to wear, when man had to kill animals to survive and animals had to kill us too, but that was thousands of years ago!!!... but these days, just stupid killers and empty women use animals for beauty, i hate any fashion with animal prints also (even if not natural), they are reminder that you can kill an animal and hang it on your wall as a trophy, yep makes me sick too!! no class and no good taste in these photos but sad killers full of superfluous vanity!!
i highly recommend you yet another film, it deals with a real life story of Tibetan people taking care of Tibetan Antelopes, they are killed for their fur to sell mainly to stupid tasteless women all over the world...
Mountain Patrol: Kekexili
"...Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des Journalisten Ga Yu (Zhang Lei), der aus Peking nach Kekexili reist, um dort über eine freiwillige Bergpatrouille zu berichten. Diese hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Tibetanische Antilope vor dem endgültigen Aussterben zu bewahren. Ga Yu will mit seiner Reportage aber nicht nur einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass die Region Kekexili – über vierzigtausend Quadratkilometer groß (etwa wie Dänemark), in beinahe fünftausend Meter Höhe und Lebensraum zahlreicher seltener Tierarten – zum Naturschutzreservat erklärt wird..."
hier der Trailer
awww awful subject but glad you pointed it
when are stupid people going to learn indeed!
angrrrrrry! es tut mir Leid!!
cannot believe there are stupid women and men that use animal leather to "fashion-about", just the injustice of it!!
once upon a time, leather was OK when we lived in the caverns and had nothing else to wear, when man had to kill animals to survive and animals had to kill us too, but that was thousands of years ago!!!... but these days, just stupid killers and empty women use animals for beauty, i hate any fashion with animal prints also (even if not natural), they are reminder that you can kill an animal and hang it on your wall as a trophy, yep makes me sick too!! no class and no good taste in these photos but sad killers full of superfluous vanity!!
i highly recommend you yet another film, it deals with a real life story of Tibetan people taking care of Tibetan Antelopes, they are killed for their fur to sell mainly to stupid tasteless women all over the world...
Mountain Patrol: Kekexili
"...Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des Journalisten Ga Yu (Zhang Lei), der aus Peking nach Kekexili reist, um dort über eine freiwillige Bergpatrouille zu berichten. Diese hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Tibetanische Antilope vor dem endgültigen Aussterben zu bewahren. Ga Yu will mit seiner Reportage aber nicht nur einen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass die Region Kekexili – über vierzigtausend Quadratkilometer groß (etwa wie Dänemark), in beinahe fünftausend Meter Höhe und Lebensraum zahlreicher seltener Tierarten – zum Naturschutzreservat erklärt wird..."
hier der Trailer
awww awful subject but glad you pointed it
when are stupid people going to learn indeed!
dosron - 7. Mär, 22:37
Fürchterlich. Ich glaube ja die Welt verlernt immer mehr!
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