Geht Ihnen das auch so?
Männer über 35, die einen Ohrring tragen, kann ich nicht ernst nehmen.
BlueScreen - 8. Jan, 02:04
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To pick Personal...
berenice-do-not-speak-german - 8. Jan, 03:40
ich glaube kein Männer können ernst nehmen... Ohrring oder kein Ohrring, ha ha, just kidding!!
i think is a matter of taste, i do know responsible older men who wear earrings and they are fine, and i know many man without earrings and women too!! who one cannot trust...
on the other hand, the way people dress or do wear jewelry, etc. reveals much about their personalities... i think it is dangerous to generalize (generalisieren nicht...) one has to judge a person more deeply than by only looking at the earring or the lack of earring...
Einverstanden? herr Thilolito?? do you have one?? send a picture! just do NOT tattoo bitte!! those i don't like ;)
i think is a matter of taste, i do know responsible older men who wear earrings and they are fine, and i know many man without earrings and women too!! who one cannot trust...
on the other hand, the way people dress or do wear jewelry, etc. reveals much about their personalities... i think it is dangerous to generalize (generalisieren nicht...) one has to judge a person more deeply than by only looking at the earring or the lack of earring...
Einverstanden? herr Thilolito?? do you have one?? send a picture! just do NOT tattoo bitte!! those i don't like ;)
BlueScreen - 9. Jan, 23:24
Oh Frau Bere!
I just wanted to order a tattoo! :)
I just wanted to order a tattoo! :)
frau g - 8. Jan, 21:05
Lieber, sehr geehrter Herr Thilo, wollen wir uns mal darüber näher unterhalten? :)
BlueScreen - 9. Jan, 23:25
frau g - 10. Jan, 19:54
na dann ...
rollinger - 27. Jan, 13:48
stimme zu
ich meine, wenn das so ein Maurer oder so ist, geht gut. Aber wenn er dann im 80er Jahre Streifenhemd daherkommt und Jeans an und Turnschlappen. Das geht überhaupt nicht!
BlueScreen - 28. Jan, 22:26
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